If your Dad was like mine and millions of other in the US they moved where ever their jobs took them and worked the hours and days they were asked. Never or rarely a question or refusal. THen somewhere in the mid-70s, mergers, exporting of jobs, recessions, fuel crisis and something else intangible changed things.
I visited my old corporation yesterday. It was weird sitting in the lobby as a visitor waiting for an escort. No - it didn't make me sad or happy. It was just weird. Except - I was in a suit. Looking every bit like a vendor. I have sat on the client side of the table so much, I don't know that I am sure how to act - protect my own interests or the potential client. My values will always favor doing the right thing for the client and my brain tells me that in the long run and maybe even the short run, that approach will be best for my business and my hear.
I realized that people will go and do what is best for their own career, their family, their faith and a bunch of other priorities before blindly doing what ever it is that the company would want. If I had been my father, I might have moved my family. Instead, I moved my work situation.
Weird indeed.
That's one of those situations where you learn so much more from being on the outside than you ever did while on the inside... I know exactly what you mean. Congratulations on climbing out of the box!