Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sitting on the edge of fall

The winds were shifting.  I went out our back door and felt cooler breezes than the hot tropical ones we have had for weeks (months?) here in PA.  And with that shift, I sensed a change.  Here in the burbs of PA, the school buses are out, testing their new routes.  The stores are selling back to school stuff, there is evidence of dedicated teachers and others in the schools preparing for our kids, their students, their life's work.  And the wind blows.

We did a short break at the beach this past week - just an extended weekend, but I did notice that there was a ton of people on the beach.  More crowded than I had noticed before and I realized it was sort of a last hurrah.  There were gobs of families.  Many, like us, there with their college ages "kids" (actually young adults) before college started.  Many school age kids were done with summer camp and other activities, so it is natural that lots of folks were there now that the entire family could gather.  And yet, even in the screams of the toddlers, vague flirting of the teens, and overly patient looks from the college kids, there was a wind of change.

Each of us must find our path forward.  As Dylan and The Birds said, To Every Season, Turn, Turn, Turn.  Each of us must find out what turns are in front of us.  And maybe we need to follow our kids or, maybe, they are our canaries in a coal mine.  Telling us, warning us, to move forward..

For us adults in the bosom of suburbia, we need to move forward and follow this cycle from summer into fall and look forward.  For as much fun as our summer was, the clock moves forward and we too, like our children, must step into the grades, challenges, fun, challenges (repeat intentional) and unknowns of the fall that comes onto us all.

Go forth boldly!!  Its what we need to do and in that boldness will be opportunities, some challenges, and maybe, some fun.

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